Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mad Scientist's Lab

My mad scientist's experimental set up!
This is what I get at B-Break...the Cottage Boys' Traveling Band - guita, ukulele, etc
Laura models the Butterfly House
My beautiful creation of swiss chard, sweet potato gnocchi, yams, and flame grilled chik'n. My other culinary pursuits include carrot spaghetti, breaded eggplant or tofu cutlets, and made-for-one apple cobbler...impressed?

I really don't have anything to say, but I have a few pictures to post. I haven't done anything interested, just worked more on my experiment, watched a few movies, stayed by myself all weekend, got some more grant money, started freaking out about summer, finished freaking out about draw, and made some exciting culinary masterpieces.

The End

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the food looks good! --julie