The Seven Gables Inn...ain't it cute? Don't you want to come visit me and stay here?
So, I wish I could tell you about all the crazy cool classes I'm taking or the million different activities vying for a place in my schedule. Except, I can't. I had basically no class last week and I have very little class scheduled in general...once I figure out my research project, I can dictate my own hours, mwahahahaha!
Anywho, on Wednesday morning my prof decides that it would be a fantastic idea to romping about the tidepools at 6:30 in the morning. Granted, it was totally AWESOME, but it was really early and still pretty chilly. With that over with, I was free until 1:15, unlike the lowly sophomores in biocore! haha! Then, I learned about intertidal zonation, talked about my independent research, and decided I didn't want to take History and Philosophy of Science after almost falling asleep during the first class.
Ok, Thursday...stats and that's about it...oh wait! I went apartment shopping at Target. Can I just say now how much I like being independent, having my own (with three others) apartment, and living like a normal human being. It's fantastic!
Friday capped my wonderful week with a lovely lecture by none other than Prof. Kevin Arrigo. This is for my Polar Biology seminar. We listen to a guest speaker and then discuss with him/her. It's pretty cool. Also, on Friday I got my free bike from craigslist, which I thought would be a piece of crap, but is so nice that I need to find a way to bring it back to campus and store it over the summer now...
Saturday, Laura and I went on a picnic, because it was sunny! Mmmm...how I am loving matzah at every meal. We're celebrating on Tuesday night by going out to dinner; the end of Passover! Today, I just kind of lazed around. Wrote my response paper for Polar Bio and read some of Monkeyluv, by Sapolsky. I also looked into volunteering at a pet shelter, but the closest one is not really close at all.
That's my week, tune in next week for Rachel's Life in the Real World of Monterey (real world is maybe a bit too strong).
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