Saturday, April 21, 2007

Predation and Power Rangers

A momma harbor seal and her newborn pup...I kind of scared them away...
Post-Potluck Euphoria

I guess I've had a pretty exciting last three days. Thursday was chill. I had stats and then started my predation experiment. I would put a picture up, but it's really not that exciting seeing four whelks (a type of sea snail) and mussels in a tupperware container. Once all that was done, Laura and I sat in on our professor's lab meeting. It was a little over my head and made me realize that I could not devote 3, 4, or more years of my life to trying to get a PhD working in a lab!!! Anyways, went back for lunch and then out to TJs! That was exciting, but I convinced myself that I was fine with just chocolate chip meringues and not mini cookies and now, two days later, I am sad and regretting that decision. But, I will be strong and hang in there until I next need to go to TJs.
The main reason for going to Trader Joe's, however, was to buy cornbread mix for the POTLUCK!!! It was Power Ranger themed and our house was yellow! As you can imaging, it was pretty crazy stuff. Ok, so I didn't like most of the food, but the blue french fried potatoes were delicious and the hot-pink frosted cupcakes were really cute. We played a rousing game of mafiah afterwards; I was god, of course. Then, back in Belden B, we watched the 3rd Harry Potter. One more to go!!!
Friday, hmmm. I check on my mussels and everyone's still alive. I got stats help. I went to Polar Biology and had a lovely time learning about Adelie Penguins (only enhanced by the pre-seminar coffee and cookies [and brownies!]). Unfortunately, I can never work with penguins because I will freeze to death, end of story. The afternoon was uneventfull...I think I read (Monkeyluv is really good). Then, a bunch of us watched Sliding Doors and ate cookies. Nice day.
Today, I got a library card and subsequently a French movie, Cannery Row, a book on environmental careers, and two vegetarian cookbooks. There is also a festival going on in Pacific Grove (PG), but it was not terribly interesting. I finished up my grocery shopping (seriously low on ice cream...) and then wrote an essay. Yay for being productive. Oh, yeah, I turned in my Honors Thesis application yesterday as well. Finally!
I should probably let you go, since I have blabbed on for a good while.
-Signing off!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I've Got Mussels!

I really am a tree hugger! Don't forget Earth Day on Sunday!

No, I'm not really getting all buff and muscle-y. I'm playing with mussels! The scary thing is that I don't have nearly as much free time anymore. On monday, Laura and I learned how to record mussel heart rate (for her project). We hook them up to a little machine and let it roll - a lot harder than that sounds. Then, we played beauty shop in the afternoon and painted the different species pink and hot orange! Unfortunately, salt water is almost as corrosive at nail polish remover and the paint started coming off. After we worked that kink out, we set up our aggregation experiment, where saw whether or not the native and invasive species self-segregate. Well, they don't; they're not prejudice but peace-loving and friendly. Oh well!

I spent most of today sorting my mussels by size so that I don't make the little snails biased against any one prey species. My fingers got so cold in the 11 degree Celsius water that they turned blue. I'm a wimp and wore a long-sleeve shirt, t-shirt, fleece, and a sweat-shirt. There is no escaping the wind, though! That was all fun and dandy, but tonight's pick-me-up was much more appealing. We made pizookie!!! Had it with breyer's vanilla, mmm. We EVEN shared with the two guys next door (of course, one of them was Liz's (one of my roommate's) boyfriend, but that's besides the point)! Now, I'm content, but sleepy. I should read stats, but I think I will go to bed instead...that happens a lot here.

This weekend is promising to be busy, as I am going up to campus Friday afternoon and coming back Saturday night. I need to track down my advisors and get the next two years figured out... eeek!


Friday, April 13, 2007

I am NOT a Slacker!

It's a log, it's a hot dog, it's a harbor seal!

So, I've spent a good portion of the past two days actually doing work! Ok, and looking out at the lovely harbor seals...Anywho, I've stepped up and decided on my independent project. I am looking at the differential predation on the native versus invasive species of blue mussel. woohoo! I also get to paint one of the species with Wild Shine Flirty Rose Creme nail polish, so we can distinguish the two species! I'm going to cite that in my paper, as well. So, that's basically been my life for the past two days.

We also had our first potluck last night. The theme was House Warming and Comfort Food. We had more sophisticated grilled cheese sandwiches (ie. sourdough with sharp white cheddar and ciabatta with mozarella), tomato soup, asparagus, scalloped potatoes, meatloaf, and birthday cake. It was quite fantastic. Looking forward to next week.


Sunday, April 8, 2007

Am I a Slacker?

My view from the library reading room...well, actually this random guy's view that could have been mine had I been sitting there in his stead contemplating the crashing tides of life .
"You looking at me?"
The Seven Gables Inn...ain't it cute? Don't you want to come visit me and stay here?

So, I wish I could tell you about all the crazy cool classes I'm taking or the million different activities vying for a place in my schedule. Except, I can't. I had basically no class last week and I have very little class scheduled in general...once I figure out my research project, I can dictate my own hours, mwahahahaha!
Anywho, on Wednesday morning my prof decides that it would be a fantastic idea to romping about the tidepools at 6:30 in the morning. Granted, it was totally AWESOME, but it was really early and still pretty chilly. With that over with, I was free until 1:15, unlike the lowly sophomores in biocore! haha! Then, I learned about intertidal zonation, talked about my independent research, and decided I didn't want to take History and Philosophy of Science after almost falling asleep during the first class.
Ok, Thursday...stats and that's about it...oh wait! I went apartment shopping at Target. Can I just say now how much I like being independent, having my own (with three others) apartment, and living like a normal human being. It's fantastic!
Friday capped my wonderful week with a lovely lecture by none other than Prof. Kevin Arrigo. This is for my Polar Biology seminar. We listen to a guest speaker and then discuss with him/her. It's pretty cool. Also, on Friday I got my free bike from craigslist, which I thought would be a piece of crap, but is so nice that I need to find a way to bring it back to campus and store it over the summer now...
Saturday, Laura and I went on a picnic, because it was sunny! I am loving matzah at every meal. We're celebrating on Tuesday night by going out to dinner; the end of Passover! Today, I just kind of lazed around. Wrote my response paper for Polar Bio and read some of Monkeyluv, by Sapolsky. I also looked into volunteering at a pet shelter, but the closest one is not really close at all.
That's my week, tune in next week for Rachel's Life in the Real World of Monterey (real world is maybe a bit too strong).

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Belden, Apt. B

Hey All and welcome back to Rachel's Blog!

This quarter we will be spending a delightful time journeying through the wonders of coastal Monterey! I am living in apartment B at 651 Belden Street, with three other wonderful Stanford students. It is seriously the best house!
Got in last night, but I already feel at home. I'm taking stats, a 10-unit research course, either philosophy of science or polar marine biology, and a little slice of heaven. And, if you've been to this gem of Cally, you'd know what I'm talking about! We're 5 minutes from the water and an amazing biking/walking/running path. I went to the outstanding farmer's market today, as well.
I'll keep you posted...that is if I survive Passover!