My Summer Travels
I realized that I never concluded my seaside adventure. Here is my departing entry, summing up my last few days in Monterey and hinting at future things to come. I worked hard to finish everything up by Friday the 8th, technically the first day of finals, so that I could play! This made the weekend a lot more exciting.
On Friday evening, most of the Belden complex went out to dinner at Tillie Gort's. It was nice having everyone together. The next day I had a lovely time lunching with a family friend and exploring Point Lobos and cozy little Carmel. I must get out there again, some time! And then, of course, I had to hold a B-Break for the poor toiling Bio Core kids! Sunday was rather boring...I'm not sure what I did besides pack.
Monday, Laura and I went to the Aquarium!!! So much fun. Oh, and that night I baked again and packed! Tuesday afternoon, we went back to campus after a fiasco of a laundry morning! Anyways, after a couple of days on campus, talking to my advisor, going to the Earth Systems GPP (graduating persons party), I came home.
Now, I'm off on another adventure (boy I'm getting tired). I am leaving on Sunday for Madagascar, where I will be conducting botanical surveys on epiphytes. This is to compare the availability of a staple fall-back food item for the sifaka in pristine versus disturbed habitat. We'll see how that goes. So far, I'm just worried about packing everything and carrying around a few thousand dollars in cash! Yikes! I will finish that little expedition with a few days in Paris (an extended layover). I will not have access to internet, and so you will not be getting the exciting updates as you have for the past year. But, I promise an excellent 7 week summary!
-Hasta Lavista, Baby!